We are very happy to announce that we can offer some travel grants to help the participation of early-career researchers from low income countries.

The Friedländer Foundation of Volcanology offers to support 10 to 15 early-career researchers (ECRs) to travel to Baveno and attend the 10th Hutton Symposium. The grant would be up to 1000 CHF (to be negociated, based on actual needs, the cost of transport and so on).
The interested persons should provide a short (max 1 page) motivation letter and 1-2 page CV directly to the president of the foundation, prof. Peter Ulmer, at peter.ulmer@erdw.ethz.ch)
The deadline for travel applications is the 15th of May. We will let you know about the outcome before the end of May, and of course registration deadline will be expanded accordingly for applicants to allow everybody who applied to a grant (irrespective of the outcome of the application) to register.
Some national societies have also offered to help with travel of their (younger) members. We are aware of such possibilities with the French SFMC and the Italian SIMP, for instance.