About the Conference
The tenth Hutton Symposium happened in Baveno, Italy, from the 10th to the 15th of September 2023. The conference is now over, but on this page you can still find related material: recording of the talks, field guides, some photos and information about the granite community. The next Hutton will be held in India in […]
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Theme 1: Granites in geodynamic sites, planets and time
This theme deals with the Big Picture: where and when do granites and related rocks form? What controls their differences between various sites on our planet, or indeed between planets? How did granite magmatism evolve in time, and how does it impact the nature and evolution of the continental crust?
Theme 2: Genesis of granitic magmas: Competing models, competing processes
This theme is about the processes that lead to the formation of granitic (s.l.) magmas, and in particular aims at discussing the various pathways that may lead to them: melting, fractionation, mixing etc. This is the right place to tackle the old issue of the respective roles of mantle and crust. Information can be gained from a range of sources from experiments, models, geochemical data and more.
Theme 3: Architecture of crustal magmatic systems and rate of magmatic processes
This theme addresses the physical shape and connectivity of magma networks at all scales, from the crust to the grain boundary and from the source to the volcano, including the plutonic-volcanic connection. We will discuss the rates of processes such as melting, melt extraction, magma motion, pluton accretion, eruption, as well as the mechanical and chemical drivers of them.
Theme 4: Fluids in and around granites
In this theme, we discuss the role of evolution of melts, supercritical fluids, etc. in particular during final cooling and solidification of plutons. We also address the textural development of granitoids. We welcome contributions on pegmatites, ore deposits, geothermal fluids, etc.
Past and future and general discussion
This final session offered the opportunity to reflect on the past decades of granite research, and on future directions. We also voted for the next Hutton symposium, that will be held in India.